Theis vnder-written names are to be transported to New - England imbarqued in the Truelove JO: Gibbs Master. the Men have taken the oaths of Alleg: & Suprem.
These records appear as they
are, from The Original Lists of Persons of Quality 1600-1700 by
John C. Hotten.
Even the spelling is as shows on the list.
Emigrator's name & age |
Labouring Man. Thomas Burchard | 40 |
Mary Burchard | 38 |
Elizabeth Burchard | 13 |
Marie Burchard | 12 |
Sara Burchard | 9 |
Suzan Burchard | 8 |
JO: Burchard | 7 |
Ann Burchard | 18 mo. |
Peter Place | 20 |
Wm Beeresto | 23 |
GEO: Beeresto | 21 |
Husbandmon Edward Howe | 60 |
Elizabeth Howe | 50 |
Jeremie Howe | 21 |
Sarah Howe | 12 |
Ephraim Howe | 9 |
Isack Howe | 7 |
Wm Howe | 6 |
JO: Sedgwick | 24 |
Jeremy Blackwell | 18 |
Lester Granter [or Grunter] | 13 |
Zacharia Whitman | 40 |
Sarah Whitman | 25 |
Zacha: Whitman | 2 ½ |
Rebecca Fenner | 25 |
THO: Tibbald's | 20 |
Thomas Streme | 15 |
JO: Streme | 14 |
Husb: Ralph Tomkins | 50 |
vxor Kat. Tomkins | 58 |
Elizabeth Tomkins | 18 |
Marie Tomkins | 14 |
Samvel Tomkins | 22 |
Richard Hawes | 29 |
Ann Hawes | 26 |
Anna Hawes | 2½ |
Obediah Hawes | 6 mo. |
Ralph Elwood | 28 |
GEO: Tayler | 31 |
Elizabeth Jenkins | 27 |
Wm Preston | 44 |
Marie Preston | 34 |
Eliz: Preston | 11 |
Sarah Preston | 8 |
Marie Preston | 6 |
JO: Preston | 3 |
Wm. Joes* | 28 |
William Bentley | 47 |
Alice Bentley | 15 |
Margaret Killinghall | 20 |
JO: Bentley | 17 |
THO: Stockton | 21 |
GEO: Morrey | 23 |
Richard Srayne | 34 |
Sarah Haile | 11 |
Samvel Grover | 16 |
Robert Browne | 24 |
THO: Blower | 50 |
Edward Jeofferies | 24 |
John Done | 16 |
Roger Broome | 17 |
Dorothie Lowe | 13 |
JO: Simpson | 30 |
THO: Brighton | 31 |
THO: Rumball | 22 |
Edward Parrie | 24 |
Jane Walston | 19 |
* [This may be read as Ives.]
For more Emigration data click on More Emigration
e-mail Addie Morrissey
This page was created 02/17/98